Wednesday, February 17, 2010

school ru(i)ns my life

Well I am only just getting around to doing my second post. I have just been ridiculously busy. i have TWO tests yesterday for Darwin Medicine and Mythology. And I had GP3 due for K210 last night. My past week has been allll studying. I am beyond relieved that all that is done.

Now I just have to write a 6 page paper for tomorrow and take a French test tonight.... :/

The library has literally become my 1st home. I am there more hours than I am in my dorm. Last night i was there from 6 til 2 in the morning. I hope it actually pays off...

But as soon as I turn in my paper tomorrow I will be stress free :) and I can't wait for the weekend. My boyfriends 21st birthday is saturday and I am beyond excited to give him his gift! It came in the mail yesterday and even though his Birthday is only Saturday, I may give it to him early cause I am far too excited! I am so bad at keeping surprises for people.

However, I did get a Bid at my friends fake frat L.O.L lambda omicron lambda :) the bid was in the form of a paper frog. awesome

ok thats enough for now, back to studying :/